Starting today I am taking the 10 in 2010 Challenge. What is the 10 in 2010 challenge? I'm glad you asked=)
In a nut shell, 10 in '10 is about being and/or getting healthy, which means something different to every individual. For me, it's about making good decisions regarding what I put in my mouth and what output I exert.
Each Tuesday I will post my progress along with a healthy recipe for the week. Here are my goals, rules, rewards, and potential pitfalls.
1. Work out minimum four times a week for at least 30 minutes.
M/W: Walk with the lovely Johanna and weights
Th/Sat: Yoga or other Cardio
2. Eat healthy meals, snacks, and gain better portion control
3. Share a healthy recipe every Tuesday
4. Plan entire week of meals
5. Work up to 150 crunches daily, starting at 40
6. Train for: (Walking only...I can't run because of my bad feet, Doc's orders.)
5K-Race for the Cure in May
Marathon-Rock N Roll in November
7. Eat less processed foods
***Notice that I have not set a weight goal. I did this on purpose because I do not want my success to revolve around my wieght loss.
1. Work out even when I would rather not
2. Eat a fruit or veggie with every meal
3. No mindless eating
4. Allowed to bake one fun item if I work out 4 days the previous week.
5. Eat smaller portions
6. When I am snack-y I will chew gum instead
7. Get to eat one non-healthy meal weekly within moderation, observing the smaller portion rule
Rewards (Every 2 weeks)
2nd-New CD, possible David Crowder Band
I have been wanting rollerblades for a while...used to rollerblade in college. However, I must prove to myself that I will actually use them for something besides as a dust collector. Thus, I get them after week 4.
6th-Sign up for a magazine of my choice
I'm really excited about this one! So many magazines to choose from...
8th-Pedicure at Aveda
10th-Sign up for cake decorating class
I have been wanting to do this for like...forever...but have felt like I shouldn't spend the money. Now I will have earned it if I stick to this for 10 weeks. Definitely a reward I will work for!
Weaknesses to Be Aware of
1. French Fries
2. Unhealthy Desserts
I hope this challenge will start healthy habits that I will keep with me. And, by posting the challenge on my blog, I have accountability...which comes from you lovely readers. I will need as much encouragement as you can give me in the upcoming days/weeks/months!
Please join me in this challenge. You don't have to start today... pick a time within the month of January and start then. (I say within the month of January because if you are like me, you'll keep putting it off. Trust me, no time is convenient to start eating and living healthier.)
Check out this link for a better grasp on 10 in '10.
See ya next week, healthier and more fit than today!
u can DO it!
(I'm being supportive!)