About 6 months ago I borrowed a pretty nice, albeit older, camera from my father-in-law. I played around with it for a while, taking cool pictures of bees (I'll have to explain my bee-charming ability on another day). Then all of a sudden, one roll of film into my musings to be exact, the camera stopped producing pictures. I would go to my local Walgreen's, have them developed and much to my surprise, roll of film after roll of film was turning out blank.
"What the heck old camera?"
And that pretty much sums up my photo taking for the last 5 months 3 weeks and 2 days.
Then, someone inspired me to try it out again. It turns out that it just needed a new battery. Geez. I wish I woulda known that.
But moving on. All bitterness toward my old camera gone, but still skeptical that my photos would appear, I set out on a new frontier last week.
My new mission was to create/fashion/contrive the most amazing sugar cookie with frosting possible. Therefore, as I began trying recipes, I documented the progress with both my digital camera and old-timer. (I say old-timer; I think the camera is from the 70s or 80s and was bought in Asia some were. Yeah, I know, the stats on this camera are really beefing up your expectations.)
The first recipe of sugar cookies turned out blah. The second one, although I've only tasted the dough, has much potential. At this point in the process I had used about 22 pictures out of old timer and I didn't want to waste time taking pictures of the final product if the film was no good.
So I went outside and took the remaining pictures, dropped it off at Walgreen's, and held my breath.
And these are some of the results: (Oh yeah, some of these photos are from a total flop attempt at sticky buns...total bummer.)
One thing I learned, do not use the flash directly on the object.
And my favorites
Old Timer, you've done good.
Kristin, I love your blog! You are so full of talent! I'm so glad you gave me the link! Meg
You did a great job with the pictures. They are very artistic. Keep'em coming!
Those pics came out beautifully. You are definately a talented photographer! Are those all the pics that came out? I feel like you took so many! Well I have to stop talking about the pics and tell you that I also love the blog! You are such a great writer and of course the recipes are fabulous as well :) Thanks again for dinner last night. Hope to see you soon! love, Bree